Are the good times coming yet?

Another health post. Sorry but that’s the way it is.

I had several (innocent) lumps between my eyebrows and the corners of my eyes, and some under my left eye, which turned out to be “clotted cholesterol”, according to the doctor. Nothing serious and I could have lived to be 100 with them, but they kept growing with no signs of stopping and sometimes my view was restricted because they were pushing my eyelids down, so it was best to get rid of them. Last Monday the dr. cut them out. I’ll spare you the gory details, but the injections hurt like… (fill out the dots). I didn’t feel anything of the procedure itself, so that’s a bonus. The wounds were too big for a band-aid, so I have 8 stitches in total.

I honestly can’t understand why people would undergo this voluntarily. I don’t want to feel those injections ever again, so let’s hope the cholesterol will keep flowing and not clutter up again! No botox for me either, wrinkles or not!

I looked and felt like a boxer who lost a fight. My eyes were swollen and I didn’t have to use eyeshadow as my skin turned different shades of blue and purple during the week. Monday the stitches will be removed…. so I have something to look forward to :p

It’s tiresome, in the last four months I have seen the doctor more than I have in my whole life. I think I’ll just wipe 2008 from my memory and skip to 2009. Or maybe the good times are coming now?? Well, those have to be brilliant to make up for the last few months!

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1 Comment so far

  1. Thank you for the birthday wishes! I hope things go better for you! I hate going to the doctor!

    Anyway, come enter my Shakespeare Contest!

  2. Lady Jane on April 28th, 2008 at 01:28

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