Les Mis
As promised to Manon I made a layout with the stage door pics I took when we saw Les Mis in April.
At first she was reluctant to go to the stage door (“What do I say to people I don’t know, mom?”), but after we met Freek – who was such a sweetie – she went for it and we waited for over an hour (and it was COLD!). After Nurlaila came out, we asked the security people if anyone else was inside and they told us the others went out through another door…. awww. Oh well, we did meet these four and they couldn’t have been more friendly! Thanks guys for taking the time to talk to your fans and for making Manon’s day!

[…] I saw who was auditioning for the show I jumped for joy. Freek Bartels – Manon and I met him after Les Mis – was brave enough to accept the challenge of facing a TV audience for many weeks in a row. After […]