London <3

Not only do I love London, but I love souvenirs as well. Call it my guilty pleasure, I don’t care!
So, while browsing the internet, looking for another item “I just have to own” I found something that’s not only a souvenir but very handy as well.
It’s available at: Alternative Oyster and it’s an Oyster Card holder. The card itself is the size of a credit card, and I suppose a credit card/bank card will fit in too, so I can use it even when I’m not in London and be reminded of my favourite city every single day 🙂

Now, don’t you agree that this is an item I can’t do without??!

Oyster Card Holder

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2 Comments so far

  1. Absolutely! Where did you get it? I must have one for DD:)

  2. Jill Sutheralnd on August 7th, 2011 at 15:28
  3. – The link is in the post, Jill.

  4. Antoinette on August 7th, 2011 at 22:40

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